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Extra Parliament Meeting

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Within the parliamentary system, when legislators convene to deliberate, consider, and enact laws, there is a fascinating occurrence called an “Extra Parliament Meeting.”

Something that happens outside of regular parliamentary sessions is called an Extra Parliament Meeting. It provides a forum for legislators to address urgent matters outside of their usual agendas. 

Why Special Sessions are Convened

Special sessions are called to address specific and urgent matters that cannot wait until the next regular session. They serve as a means for the government to respond promptly to unexpected events, crises, or issues of national importance. These sessions are a testament to the flexibility of parliamentary systems in adapting to changing circumstances.

The Process of Calling a Special Session

In most parliamentary systems, a special session is initiated by the head of state, such as the President or Monarch, or by a formal request from the government. The decision to convene a special session is not taken lightly and requires a significant reason, often accompanied by a formal proclamation.

Key Differences Between Regular and Special Sessions

One of the fundamental distinctions between regular and special sessions is the purpose. While regular sessions follow a predetermined schedule to discuss a wide range of legislative matters, special sessions focus exclusively on the specific issue for which they were called.

Historical Significance of Special Sessions

Special sessions have played a pivotal role in shaping the course of history. They have been instrumental in addressing critical events, including wars, economic crises, and constitutional amendments. These sessions have proven to be invaluable in times of national crises.

Notable Special Sessions Worldwide

There have been exceptional sessions throughout history that have left an everlasting impression. For example, the Millennium Summit, a Special Session of the United Nations General Assembly held in 2000, addressed global challenges such as poverty, sickness, and inequality. As a result, the Millennium Development Goals were established.

Special Sessions’ Significance in Contemporary Governance

Special sessions are still an essential tool in contemporary government for addressing new issues. They facilitate quicker decision-making and enable legislators to discuss important subjects in-depth. Additionally, they give governments a forum to effectively convey their policies and goals.

Preparing for a Special Session

A special session requires meticulous preparation. This includes setting the agenda, organizing relevant documentation, and ensuring the participation of key stakeholders. All these aspects contribute to a successful and efficient session.

Special Session Agenda Setting

The agenda for a special session is typically tightly focused on the specific matter at hand. It is the responsibility of the head of state or government to determine what issues will be addressed during the session. This clarity of purpose is a hallmark of special sessions.

Debates and Discussions

During a special session, lawmakers engage in rigorous debates and discussions. The objective is to thoroughly examine the issue and consider various perspectives before making decisions. The intensity of these debates reflects the importance of the matters at hand.

Difficulties and Debates Around Particular Meetings

Special sessions are useful, but they may also be controversial. Critics claim that they can be used for hurried decision-making or political advantage. It is still up for debate on how to strike a balance between being responsive and taking your time.


In an era marked by fast-paced developments, the role of special sessions in parliamentary systems is more important than ever. They provide a means for governments to adapt swiftly to evolving circumstances and demonstrate the agility of democratic governance.

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