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Home » How is Life After Cracking CLAT?

How is Life After Cracking CLAT?

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Life after cracking the Common Law Admission Test (CLAT) often brings a significant shift for students. Successful candidates typically gain admission to prestigious National Law Universities (NLUs) across India, known for their rigorous academic programs and vibrant campus life. The initial phase is usually an adjustment period, marked by a challenging curriculum, frequent assignments, and active participation in moot courts, debates, and internships.

Students experience a diverse peer group, fostering intellectual growth and networking opportunities. They also benefit from exposure to experienced faculty and guest lectures by legal luminaries. Participation in various committees and societies enriches their overall development.

Life at an NLU prepares students for a wide range of career paths, including corporate law, litigation, judiciary, academia, and public policy. Despite the demanding environment, the opportunities and experiences gained pave the way for a fulfilling and dynamic legal career.

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