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Logical Reasoning Notes: Logical Connectives

Logical Reasoning for Law Entrances

Logical connectives play a crucial role in the field of logic, providing us with tools to combine and manipulate statements in a precise and systematic manner. Whether we are constructing logical arguments, analysing the validity of statements, or exploring the relationships between propositions, understanding logical connectives is essential.

Logical connectives allow us to express various logical operations and relationships between statements. They enable us to create compound statements by connecting simpler statements or modifying their truth values. By employing these connectives, we can build complex logical expressions and reason about their truth values.

In this article, we will explore the main logical connectives.

What Are Logical Connectives?

Logical connectives, also known as logical operators or logical symbols, are fundamental tools used in propositional logic and predicate logic to combine or manipulate logical statements. They allow us to create compound statements by connecting simpler statements or modifying their truth values.

Here are some common logical connectives:

Conjunction (AND): Denoted by the symbol “∧” or the word “and,” it represents the logical operation that is true only when both of its operands are true. For example, in the statement “A ∧ B,” both A and B must be true for the entire statement to be true.

Disjunction (OR): Denoted by the symbol “∨” or the word “or,” it represents the logical operation that is true when at least one of its operands is true. For example, in the statement “A ∨ B,” if either A or B (or both) is true, the entire statement is true.

Negation (NOT): Denoted by the symbol “¬” or the word “not,” it represents the logical operation that negates the truth value of a statement. For example, if A is true, then “¬A” is false, and if A is false, then “¬A” is true.

Implication (→): Denoted by the symbol “→” or the words “implies” or “if…then,” it represents the logical operation that asserts a relationship between two statements. In the statement “A → B,” A implies B, meaning that if A is true, then B must also be true. However, if A is false, the truth value of B does not affect the validity of the statement.

Biconditional (↔): Denoted by the symbol “↔” or the phrase “if and only if,” it represents the logical operation that indicates that two statements are logically equivalent. In the statement “A ↔ B,” A is true if and only if B is true. If A and B have the same truth value, the entire statement is true; otherwise, it is false.

These logical connectives provide a foundation for building complex logical expressions and reasoning about their truth values. By combining them in various ways, we can create logical arguments, prove theorems, and analyse the validity of logical statements.

Conjunction (AND): Combining Statements for Greater Precision

The conjunction connective, often represented by the symbol “∧” or the word “and,” allows us to combine two statements to form a compound statement. The conjunction is true only when both of its component statements are true. 

This connective is widely used in everyday reasoning and has important applications in mathematics, computer science, and philosophy.

Basic Definition and Truth Table: 

Let’s start with the basic definition of conjunction. Given two statements, A and B, the conjunction A ∧ B is true if and only if both A and B are true. If either A or B (or both) is false, the entire statement becomes false.

The truth table for conjunction is as follows:



Example 1: “John is tall ∧ Mary is smart.”

This conjunction is true only if John is tall and Mary is smart. If either John is not tall or Mary is not smart, the entire statement becomes false.

Example 2: “The sky is blue ∧ it is sunny.”

This statement is true only when the sky is blue and it is sunny outside. If either the sky is not blue or it is not sunny, the conjunction becomes false.

Example 3: “The book is on the table ∧ the pen is beside it.”

This conjunction is true when both the book is on the table and the pen is beside it. If either the book is not on the table or the pen is not beside it, the statement is false.

Example 4: “I will study ∧ I will complete my assignment.”

This statement is true if and only if I will both study and complete my assignment. If I fail to do either of those tasks, the conjunction becomes false.

Example 5: “The car is red ∧ it has a manual transmission.”

This conjunction is true when the car is red and it has a manual transmission. If the car is not red or it does not have a manual transmission, the entire statement is false.

Conjunctions allow us to express precise relationships between statements. They are particularly useful when both statements need to be true for a conclusion or decision to be valid. In mathematics and computer science, conjunctions help establish logical conditions and constraints.

By using conjunctions effectively, we can build complex logical expressions, construct valid arguments, and reason more precisely. Remember to consider the truth values of both statements when using conjunctions to ensure accurate logical reasoning.

In summary, the conjunction connective (AND) allows us to combine two statements and form a compound statement. It is true only when both component statements are true. Through examples and analysis, we have seen how conjunctions play a crucial role in logical reasoning and decision-making.

Disjunction (OR): Exploring Alternatives and Inclusive Possibilities

In logic, the disjunction connective, often represented by the symbol “∨” or the word “or,” allows us to combine two statements to form a compound statement. The disjunction is true when at least one of its component statements is true. This connective is widely used in everyday reasoning and has important applications in mathematics, computer science, and philosophy.

Basic Definition and Truth Table:

Let’s start with the basic definition of disjunction. Given two statements, A and B, the disjunction A ∨ B is true if and only if at least one of A or B (or both) is true. The entire statement becomes false only when both A and B are false.

The truth table for disjunction is as follows:


Examples: To understand disjunction better, let’s explore some examples:

Example 1: “I will have pizza ∨ I will have pasta for dinner.”

This disjunction is true if I have either pizza or pasta (or both) for dinner. It becomes false only if I have neither pizza nor pasta.

Example 2: “The ball is either red ∨ blue.”

This statement is true if the ball is either red or blue. If the ball is of any other color, the disjunction becomes false.

Example 3: “She will either go to the party ∨ stay at home and watch a movie.”

This disjunction is true if she chooses to either go to the party or stay at home and watch a movie. It becomes false only if she does neither.

Example 4: “The number is divisible by 2 ∨ divisible by 3.”

This statement is true if the number is divisible by either 2 or 3 (or both). If the number is not divisible by either of them, the disjunction becomes false.

Example 5: “The team will win the game ∨ lose by a small margin.”

This disjunction is true if the team either wins the game or loses by a small margin. It becomes false only if the team loses by a large margin or ties the game.

Disjunctions allow us to express inclusive possibilities and alternatives. They are particularly useful when multiple outcomes or choices are considered, and any one of them can lead to the truth of the compound statement.

In summary, the disjunction connective (OR) allows us to combine two statements and form a compound statement. It is true when at least one of the component statements is true. Through examples and analysis, we have seen how disjunctions play a crucial role in logical reasoning and decision-making.

Negation (NOT): Flipping the Truth Value

The negation connective, often represented by the symbol “¬” or the word “not,” allows us to negate or flip the truth value of a statement. The negation is true when the original statement is false and false when the original statement is true. This connective is widely used in everyday reasoning and has important applications in mathematics, computer science, and philosophy.

Basic Definition:

Let’s start with the basic definition of negation. Given a statement, A, the negation ¬A is true if and only if A is false. The negation flips the truth value of the original statement.


To understand negation better, let’s explore some examples:

Example 1: “The sun is shining.”

The negation of this statement, ¬(The sun is shining), is true when the sun is not shining, such as during the night or when it is cloudy.

Example 2: “I am hungry.”

The negation of this statement, ¬(I am hungry), is true when you are not hungry, indicating that you are satisfied or have already eaten.

Example 3: “The cat is black.”

The negation of this statement, ¬(The cat is black), is true when the cat is not black, implying that it can be of any other color.

Example 4: “He is over 18 years old.”

The negation of this statement, ¬(He is over 18 years old), is true when he is not over 18 years old, indicating that he is either underage or exactly 18 years old.

Example 5: “The equation has a solution.”

The negation of this statement, ¬(The equation has a solution), is true when the equation does not have a solution, suggesting that it is unsolvable or has no valid solutions.

Negation allows us to express the opposite or contradictory of a statement. It plays a crucial role in logical reasoning by allowing us to explore alternative possibilities and assess the validity of assumptions.

In summary, the negation connective (NOT) allows us to flip the truth value of a statement. It is true when the original statement is false and false when the original statement is true. Through examples and analysis, we have seen how negation plays a crucial role in logical reasoning and critical thinking.

Implication (→): Establishing Logical Relationships

In logic, the implication connective, often represented by the symbol “→” or the phrase “if…then,” allows us to express logical relationships between two statements. The implication asserts that if the antecedent (the first statement) is true, then the consequent (the second statement) must also be true. This connective is widely used in everyday reasoning and has important applications in mathematics, computer science, and philosophy.

Basic Definition:

Let’s start with the basic definition of implication. Given two statements, A (antecedent) and B (consequent), the implication A → B is true unless A is true and B is false. In other words, if A is false or B is true (or both), the implication is true. The implication is false only when A is true and B is false.


To understand implication better, let’s explore some examples:

Example 1: “If it rains, then the ground gets wet.”

This implication, If it rains → The ground gets wet, is true unless it is raining and the ground is not wet. If it is not raining or the ground is wet (or both), the implication is true.

Example 2: “If you study hard, then you will get good grades.”

This statement, If you study hard → You will get good grades, is true unless you study hard and still don’t get good grades. If you don’t study hard or you do get good grades (or both), the implication is true.

Example 3: “If the traffic is heavy, then we will be late for the meeting.”

This implication, If the traffic is heavy → We will be late for the meeting, is true unless the traffic is heavy and we are not late for the meeting. If the traffic is not heavy or we are late for the meeting (or both), the implication is true.

Example 4: “If the temperature drops below freezing, then the water will freeze.”

This statement, If the temperature drops below freezing → The water will freeze, is true unless the temperature drops below freezing and the water does not freeze. If the temperature is not below freezing or the water freezes (or both), the implication is true.

Example 5: “If you eat junk food regularly, then your health may suffer.”

This implication, If you eat junk food regularly → Your health may suffer, is true unless you eat junk food regularly and your health does not suffer. If you don’t eat junk food regularly or your health suffers (or both), the implication is true.

Implication allows us to express logical relationships and consequences. It is particularly useful in establishing conditional statements, making predictions, and drawing conclusions based on given conditions.

In summary, the implication connective (→) allows us to express logical relationships between statements. It is true unless the antecedent is true and the consequent is false. Through examples and analysis, we have seen how implication plays a crucial role in logical reasoning and conditional statements.

Biconditional (↔): Expressing Logical Equivalence

In logic, the biconditional connective, often represented by the symbol “↔” or the phrase “if and only if,” allows us to express that two statements are logically equivalent. The biconditional asserts that the truth value of the first statement is the same as the truth value of the second statement. This connective is widely used in everyday reasoning and has important applications in mathematics, computer science, and philosophy.

Basic Definition:

Let’s start with the basic definition of biconditional. Given two statements, A and B, the biconditional A ↔ B is true if and only if A and B have the same truth value. If both A and B are true or both are false, the biconditional is true. It is false when A is true and B is false, or when A is false and B is true.


To understand the biconditional better, let’s explore some examples:

Example 1: “I am a student ↔ I am enrolled in a university.”

This biconditional is true if and only if being a student is equivalent to being enrolled in a university. If both statements are true (you are a student and enrolled), or both are false (you are neither a student nor enrolled), the biconditional is true.

Example 2: “The triangle is equilateral ↔ all sides are of equal length.”

This statement is true if and only if the triangle being equilateral is equivalent to having all sides of equal length. If the triangle is equilateral and all sides are of equal length, or if the triangle is not equilateral and the sides are not of equal length, the biconditional is true.

Example 3: “The number is even ↔ it is divisible by 2.”

This biconditional is true if and only if being an even number is equivalent to being divisible by 2. If the number is even and divisible by 2, or if the number is not even and not divisible by 2, the biconditional is true.

Example 4: “The statement is true ↔ it corresponds to reality.”

This statement is true if and only if the truth value of the statement is equivalent to its correspondence to reality. If the statement is true and corresponds to reality, or if the statement is false and does not correspond to reality, the biconditional is true.

Example 5: “The car is new ↔ it was manufactured this year.”

This biconditional is true if and only if the car being new is equivalent to it being manufactured this year. If the car is new and was manufactured this year, or if the car is not new and was not manufactured this year, the biconditional is true.

Biconditionals allow us to express logical equivalence between statements. They indicate that the truth value of one statement fully determines the truth value of the other.

In summary, the biconditional connective (↔) allows us to express logical equivalence between statements. It is true if and only if the first statement is logically equivalent to the second statement. Through examples and analysis, we have seen how biconditionals play a crucial role in logical reasoning and expressing equivalences.


Logical connectives are fundamental tools in logic that allow us to combine and manipulate statements. They provide a way to build complex logical expressions and reason about their truth values. By understanding and utilizing logical connectives, we can express relationships between statements, evaluate conditions, and draw valid conclusions.

We have explored the five main logical connectives: conjunction (AND), disjunction (OR), negation (NOT), and implication (→), as well as the biconditional (↔).

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