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Manipur Violence: Delay Motion in Parliament

Constitutional Law

A Member of Parliament has introduced an important adjournment motion in the Lok Sabha, highlighting the urgent need for a comprehensive discussion on the recent increase of ethnic violence in Manipur.

Manipur has recently been ravaged by violence and turmoil, raising severe worries not just at the state level but also at the national level. The Lok Sabha, India’s lower house of Parliament, was thrust into the spotlight when an adjournment resolution was introduced to address the serious problem of violence in Manipur. 

In a remarkable turn of events, a Member of Parliament (MP) has moved a critical adjournment motion in the Lok Sabha, highlighting the critical need for a comprehensive discussion on the recent increase of ethnic violence in the country.

Understanding Manipur’s Difficult Landscape

Historical Consideration 

Manipur, located in northeastern India, has a rich history distinguished by its own culture, ethnic diversity, and political difficulties. The state has experienced different socio-political developments throughout the years, making it a significant region in the framework of the country.

Recent Increase in Violence 

The recent increase in violence in Manipur has both the state and national governments scrambling to deal with the issue. Several causes have contributed to this bloodshed, including territorial conflicts, ethnic tensions, and militant operations.

The Motion to Adjourn

What is an Adjournment Motion? 

A Lok Sabha adjournment motion is a legislative process that permits members to highlight critical issues that require quick consideration. It is a potent instrument for drawing the attention of the government to serious issues and forcing a dialogue.

The Tabling of the Motion

In reaction to the rising violence in Manipur, a Lok Sabha member introduced an adjournment resolution, emphasising the seriousness of the situation. This move demonstrated the critical importance of dealing with the problem.

Government’s Response

Role of the Central Government 

The central government, under the leadership of the Prime Minister, has been closely monitoring the situation in Manipur. It has pledged support to the state government in restoring peace and ensuring the safety of its citizens.

Collaborative Efforts 

To find a long-term solution to the situation, efforts have been undertaken to engage with a variety of stakeholders, including local leaders, civic society, and law enforcement authorities. Collaborative initiatives are regarded as critical in tackling Manipur’s multifaceted difficulties.

Challenges and Solutions

The Challenge of Militancy 

One of the primary challenges in Manipur is the presence of militant groups that have been active for decades. Their activities have contributed significantly to the instability in the region.

Seeking a Political Solution 

To address the root causes of violence in Manipur, a political solution is imperative. The government is exploring avenues for dialogue and negotiations with various groups to find lasting peace.


The adjournment motion in the Lok Sabha regarding Manipur violence underscores the gravity of the situation in the state. It serves as a reminder of the need for immediate action and long-term solutions to bring stability and peace to Manipur. 

The central government’s commitment to resolving the crisis, coupled with collaborative efforts, offers hope for a brighter future for Manipur and its people.

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