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Principles of Natural Justice


The concept of justice is paramount and this concept extends beyond the boundaries of codified laws and regulations. The principles of natural justice serve as a bedrock foundation, ensuring that fairness and equity prevail in the various spheres of legal and administrative proceedings. 

Often referred to as the twin pillars of “Audi Alteram Partem” and “Nemo Judex in Sua Causa,” these principles are intrinsic to maintaining a just and impartial legal system.

Understanding Natural Justice

Natural justice, also known as procedural fairness, is a set of principles that safeguard individuals’ rights and interests when they are involved in administrative, departmental or quasi-judicial proceedings. 

Unlike statutory laws, these principles are so fundamental and universal that they need not be explicitly spelt out in legislation. They are rooted in the broader idea of justice and human rights, which is why they are applicable across different legal systems and cultures.

Audi Alteram Partem: The Right to a Fair Hearing

“Audi Alteram Partem,” translated as “hear the other side,” is the cornerstone of natural justice. It emphasises the importance of giving all parties involved in a proceeding a fair opportunity to present their arguments, evidence and defences before a decision is made. 

This principle ensures that decisions are based on a comprehensive understanding of the matter and that no one is unjustly prejudiced due to a lack of opportunity to be heard.

Consider a scenario where a government agency is considering awarding a contract to a company through a competitive bidding process. The agency must afford all competing companies the chance to submit their proposals, enabling each contender to showcase their strengths and capabilities. 

Failing to do so would not only compromise the fairness of the process but also potentially undermine public trust in the integrity of the system.

Nemo Judex in Sua Causa: Impartiality and Bias Prevention

The principle of “Nemo Judex in Sua Causa,” meaning “no one should be a judge in their own cause,” underscores the need for impartiality and the avoidance of bias in decision-making processes. 

This principle recognises that decisions should be made by individuals who are not personally vested in the outcome, thereby ensuring that undue influences or conflicts of interest do not taint the decision-making process.

Imagine a regulatory authority responsible for determining whether a company should be blacklisted due to non-compliance with industry regulations. If an official with direct financial ties to the blacklisting outcome were to make the decision, there would be a clear conflict of interest. 

To uphold the principle of natural justice, the decision-maker must be unbiased and unaffected by the potential outcome.

Balancing Act

While the principles of natural justice are essential for maintaining fairness, there are instances where they may be subject to limitations. In cases of urgency, public interest or national security, procedural requirements might be modified. 

However, even in such cases, a transparent and justifiable rationale must support any deviations from these principles.


The principles of natural justice serve as a crucial safeguard in administrative and departmental proceedings, ensuring that decisions are made in a transparent, unbiased and equitable manner. These principles not only uphold individual rights but also strengthen the public’s confidence in the integrity of the legal and administrative systems. 

As societies evolve and legal landscapes transform these timeless principles remain a constant reminder that justice, fairness and equity are foundational to a civilised and just society.

Note: Access complete CLAT Legal Reasoning notes here.

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