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The Legal Services Authorities Act, 1987


The Legal Services Authorities Act of 1987 is a landmark legislation in India aimed at providing free legal aid and equal justice to all citizens, irrespective of their social or economic background. Inspired by Article 39A of the Indian Constitution, this act establishes the National Legal Services Authority (N.A.L.S.A.) and creates a three-tier body comprising the National, State and District levels.

The Birth of National Legal Services Authority (N.A.L.S.A.)

In 1995, the National Legal Services Authority (N.A.L.S.A.) was constituted as the apex body to oversee and coordinate legal aid and services in the country. N.A.L.S.A. works in conjunction with the State Legal Services Authorities and District Legal Services Authorities to ensure access to justice reaches every corner of India.

Promoting Access to Justice for All

The primary objective of the Legal Services Authorities Act is to bridge the gap between the privileged and the underprivileged sections of society when it comes to accessing justice. Inspired by Article 39A of the Constitution, which directs the state to provide free legal aid to economically weaker sections, the act aims to create a just and equitable society.

Lok Adalats – A People’s Court

The Legal Services Authorities Act empowers Lok Adalats, popularly known as People’s Courts, as a means of alternative dispute resolution. Lok Adalats resolve disputes amicably, without lengthy court proceedings and are particularly effective in settling cases related to motor accidents, family disputes and other civil matters.

Targeted Beneficiaries

The act prioritises providing legal aid to vulnerable and marginalised sections of society. Special emphasis is given to the needs of Scheduled Castes (SC), Scheduled Tribes (ST), women, children, industrial workers and individuals with an annual income below Rs. 25,000. These groups are often the most disadvantaged when it comes to accessing the justice system and the Legal Services Authorities Act seeks to address this disparity.

National Legal Literacy Mission

Recognising the importance of legal literacy in empowering citizens, the government launched the National Legal Literacy Mission in 2005. The mission aimed to spread legal awareness among the masses, making them aware of their rights and responsibilities under the law. Through workshops, seminars and other awareness programs, the mission sought to enhance the legal knowledge of the public.

Note: Access complete CLAT Legal Reasoning notes here.

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