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CLAT Notes | Understanding Crime: What is it?

Criminal Law for Law Entrances

Crime is when someone does something that is against the law. Laws are rules made by the government to keep everyone safe and maintain order in society. 

Crimes can be different types of actions, and they can have serious consequences. 

Let’s explore what crime is and how it affects us.

Different Types of Crimes

Crimes can involve many different actions. Here are some examples of common crimes:

Theft: Taking something that belongs to someone else without permission, like stealing a toy or a phone.

Assault: Hurting someone physically, like hitting or pushing them.

Murder: Taking someone’s life on purpose, which is a very serious crime.

Fraud: Tricking someone to take their money or property, like pretending to sell something that doesn’t really exist.

Drug Trafficking: Selling or distributing illegal drugs, which can be very harmful to people’s health.

Burglary: Breaking into someone’s house or property to steal things.

Vandalism: Damaging or destroying someone’s property, like graffiti on walls or breaking windows.

Consequences of Crimes

When someone commits a crime, there are consequences. These consequences are the punishments for breaking the law. The punishment depends on how serious the crime is and the laws of the country. Here are some examples of consequences:

Fines: Paying a certain amount of money as a penalty for the crime.

Imprisonment: Going to jail or prison for a certain period of time, depending on the seriousness of the crime.

Probation: Having to follow certain rules and check in with a supervisor instead of going to jail.

Community Service: Doing unpaid work to help the community, like cleaning up a park or helping at a shelter.

Why Do We Have Laws and Punishments?

The reason we have laws and punishments is to keep everyone safe and make sure people behave in a good way. 

Laws help maintain order in society and protect people’s rights. Punishments are meant to deter people from committing crimes and to show that breaking the law has serious consequences.


Crime is when someone does something that goes against the law. There are many different types of crimes, from stealing to hurting others. When people commit crimes, they face consequences like fines or going to jail. Laws and punishments are important to keep our society safe and fair. 

Note: Access complete CLAT Legal Reasoning notes here.

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