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What are the Qualities of a CLAT Aspirant?

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Preparing for the Common Law Admission Test is no small feat. It requires a blend of specific qualities and consistent effort. Here, we will discuss five essential qualities that every CLAT aspirant should develop to enhance their chances of success in the examination.

1. Reading Speed

One of the most crucial qualities you need as a CLAT aspirant is a good reading speed. The CLAT exam includes a substantial number of questions that must be completed within a limited timeframe. Many students realise that their reading speed is not sufficient to finish the exam in the given two hours.

To improve your reading speed, it’s vital to make a habit of reading newspapers daily. Additionally, taking timed sectional tests can help. These practices, if followed consistently, can lead to noticeable improvements in your reading speed within a few weeks. By enhancing your reading speed, you will be better equipped to handle the time constraints of the CLAT exam.

2. Avoiding Procrastination

Procrastination is the enemy of effective preparation. As a CLAT aspirant, you need to be diligent and disciplined. If you plan to read the newspaper or complete certain sections of your syllabus on a given day, ensure that you do it without postponing it to the next day. This approach helps you stay on top of your study schedule and prevents the accumulation of backlog.

Setting daily goals can be very helpful. For instance, you could aim to complete two sectional tests, read a few topics of current affairs or practice specific types of questions each day. Maintaining a to-do list and ticking off tasks as you complete them can keep you organised and motivated.

3. Consistency

Consistency is key when preparing for the CLAT. Life events such as weddings or birthdays might come up, but it’s important to find time for your studies even on such days. You don’t have to lock yourself in a room and study all day, but dedicating at least an hour or so to your preparation can keep you on track.

Being consistent means not losing focus even when you have other commitments. This could involve reading the newspaper, watching analysis videos or attending scheduled classes. By doing so, you maintain your momentum and ensure that your preparation doesn’t suffer due to occasional distractions.

4. Analysing and Taking Mock Tests

Taking and analysing mock tests is perhaps the most critical aspect of CLAT preparation. Regular mock tests help you understand your strengths and weaknesses. It’s important not only to take these tests but also to thoroughly analyse them afterward. This analysis will help you identify the areas where you need to improve and understand the mistakes you made.

Sometimes, students avoid mock tests because they score poorly in them. However, it’s better to make mistakes in mock tests than in the actual CLAT exam. Your mock test scores are private, but your CLAT score will be public. Therefore, use mock tests as a tool to refine your skills and strategies.

Check latest mock tests here.

5. Positive Mindset

Finally, having a positive mindset is crucial. Many students feel demotivated due to past academic performances or the opinions of others. It’s essential to believe in yourself and your ability to succeed. Your previous scores do not define your potential to clear the CLAT.

A positive mindset means telling yourself daily that you will clear the exam and achieve a good rank. Regardless of how you perform in individual mock tests or sectional tests, stay focused on your ultimate goal. Bad days are inevitable, but they should not deter you from your path.

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