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Articles in English Grammar

CLAT English

Articles are small words that precede nouns, providing crucial information about their definiteness and specificity. In English, there are three articles: “a,” “an,” and “the.”

Each article serves a distinct purpose in shaping the meaning of a sentence and guiding the reader or listener to interpret the noun in a particular way.

Types of Articles

Let’s explore the different types of articles and how they contribute to the structure and meaning of sentences:

1. Indefinite Articles – “A” and “An”

Indefinite articles “a” and “an” are used to refer to non-specific or unspecific nouns. They indicate that the noun is one of many possible options, without specifying a particular one.

“A” is used before words that begin with a consonant sound:

I saw a cat in the garden.

“An” is used before words that begin with a vowel sound:

She ate an apple for breakfast.

2. Definite Article – “The”

The definite article “the” is used to refer to specific or particular nouns. It indicates that there is only one specific item of that kind.

  • “The” is used before both singular and plural nouns:
  • He found the book he was looking for.
  • They visited the museums in the city.

Functions of Articles

Articles perform various essential functions in language, providing clarity and context to our expressions.

1. Specifying Nouns

The primary function of articles is to specify or define nouns, indicating whether the noun is general or particular.


A cat was sitting on the windowsill.

2. Indicating Definiteness

Articles indicate the definiteness of a noun, distinguishing between specific and non-specific references.


I need a pen to fill out the form.

3. Introducing New Information

Indefinite articles can be used to introduce new information or objects.


I saw an interesting movie yesterday.

4. Expressing General Concepts

The indefinite article is used to express general concepts or categories.


A tiger is a wild animal.

5. Referring to Specific Objects

The definite article is used to refer to specific objects or items.


Please pass the salt.

Common Mistakes with Articles

While articles may seem simple, some common errors can occur in their usage. Let’s address these mistakes to ensure accurate and effective communication.

1. Choosing Between “A” and “An”

Use “a” before words that begin with a consonant sound and “an” before words that begin with a vowel sound.

Incorrect: He bought a apple.

Correct: He bought an apple.

2. Omitting Articles

Articles should be used when necessary to specify or define nouns.

Incorrect: She gave him pen.

Correct: She gave him a pen.

3. Using “The” with Unspecific Nouns

“The” should be used with specific nouns, not unspecific ones.

Incorrect: She is looking for the job.

Correct: She is looking for a job.

Note: Access complete CLAT English Language notes here.

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