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Course of Action Questions

Logical Reasoning for Law Entrances

Course of action questions challenges your ability to analyse a given situation and determine the best course of action or solution. These questions appear in law entrance exams and assess your logical thinking and decision-making skills. 

Understanding Course of Action

Course of action questions involve evaluating a scenario and selecting the most appropriate action or steps to address the situation effectively. Your task is to identify the logical and practical course of action based on the given information.

Strategies for Solving Course of Action Questions

  • Read Carefully: Thoroughly read and understand the given situation or scenario. Pay attention to the details and context.
  • Identify the Problem: Determine the key issue or problem presented in the scenario. This will help you focus on finding relevant solutions.
  • Evaluate Options: Consider various possible actions that could address the problem. Think about the potential outcomes and consequences of each option.
  • Prioritise Actions: Determine the actions that are most feasible, practical and likely to yield positive results.
  • Use Logic and Common Sense: Apply logical reasoning and common sense to assess the appropriateness of each course of action.
  • Consider Constraints: Take into account any constraints or limitations mentioned in the scenario that could impact the feasibility of certain actions.
  • Eliminate Irrelevant Options: If provided with multiple-choice options, eliminate options that are not relevant or do not effectively address the problem.


Example 1: Health and Safety:

  • Situation: An employee consistently fails to follow safety protocols in the workplace.
  • Options: Issue a warning, provide additional training, suspend the employee, or terminate the employee’s contract.
  • Course of Action: Provide additional training to ensure the employee understands and follows safety protocols.

Example 2: Environmental Conservation:

  • Situation: Air pollution levels in a city are alarmingly high.
  • Options: Ban private vehicles, promote public transportation, impose fines on polluting industries, and encourage the use of electric vehicles.
  • Course of Action: Promote public transportation to reduce vehicular emissions and improve air quality.

Example 3: Financial Management:

  • Situation: An individual is struggling with credit card debt.
  • Options: Get a loan to pay off the debt, negotiate with creditors, cut down unnecessary expenses, or ignore the debt.
  • Course of Action: Negotiate with creditors to establish a manageable repayment plan.

Example 4: Crisis Management:

  • Situation: A natural disaster has struck a region, causing widespread damage.
  • Options: Send emergency relief teams, provide financial aid, conduct damage assessment, and wait for international assistance.
  • The course of Action: Send emergency relief teams to provide immediate assistance and assess the situation.

Example 5: Team Conflict Resolution:

  • Situation: There is a conflict among team members affecting productivity.
  • Options: Replace team members, hold team-building workshops, assign a mediator, and ignore the conflict.
  • Course of Action: Hold team-building workshops to improve communication and resolve conflict.

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