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CLAT English

Understanding Interjections

Interjections are words or phrases used to express sudden and strong emotions, reactions or attitudes. They often stand alone as independent utterances, disconnected from the grammatical structure of a sentence. Interjections are not bound by conventional rules of syntax and their usage relies heavily on context and intonation. 

They serve as powerful tools for adding spontaneity and authenticity to language, allowing us to communicate our immediate emotional responses without the need for elaborate sentences.

Types of Interjections

Interjections come in various forms, each capturing a specific emotion, reaction or attitude. Let’s explore the different types of interjections and how they enrich our expressions:

1. Exclamatory Interjections

Exclamatory interjections convey strong emotions such as surprise, joy, excitement or pain.


  • Wow! That was an amazing performance!
  • Ouch! That hurt!

2. Greeting Interjections

Greeting interjections are used to greet or acknowledge someone.


  • Hello! How are you today?
  • Hi! Nice to meet you.

3. Parting Interjections

Parting interjections are used when saying goodbye or leaving.


  • Goodbye! Have a great day!
  • Farewell! See you soon.

4. Approval Interjections

Approval interjections express agreement or approval.


  • Yes! I agree with you.
  • Bravo! Well done!

5. Disapproval Interjections

Disapproval interjections convey disagreement or disapproval.


  • No! I can’t agree with that.
  • Ugh! This food tastes terrible.

6. Relief Interjections

Relief interjections express a sense of comfort or release from tension.


  • Phew! That was a close call.
  • Whew! I finally finished the project.

7. Surprise Interjections

Surprise interjections convey astonishment or shock.


  • Oh! I didn’t see you there.
  • Ah! I understand now.

8. Regret Interjections

Regret interjections express feelings of sadness or disappointment.


  • Alas! I missed the opportunity.
  • Oh no! I forgot my keys.

Functions of Interjections

Interjections perform various essential functions in language, allowing us to express emotions, reactions and attitudes with immediacy and authenticity.

1. Conveying Emotion

The primary function of interjections is to convey emotions and feelings.


Wow! That was an incredible performance.

2. Adding Emphasis

Interjections add emphasis to our expressions, highlighting the intensity of our emotions.


Ouch! That hurt so much!

3. Expressing Reaction

Interjections allow us to react quickly and spontaneously to situations.


Yay! We won the game!

4. Enhancing Realism

Interjections contribute to the realism and authenticity of dialogue and communication.


Ugh! I can’t believe I made that mistake.

5. Acknowledging Greetings and Farewells

Interjections serve as responses to greetings and farewells.


Hello! How are you today?

Common Mistakes with Interjections

While interjections are straightforward expressions of emotion, some common errors can occur in their usage. Let’s address these mistakes to ensure accurate and effective communication.

1. Incorrect Placement

Interjections should be placed appropriately in the sentence to maintain coherence.

Incorrect: That was, wow!, an incredible performance.

Correct: That was an incredible performance, wow!.

2. Avoiding Overuse

Using too many interjections in one conversation can sound unnatural.

Incorrect: Wow! That was amazing! And then, oh! We won! And, yeah! We had so much fun!

Correct: That was amazing! And then, we won! We had so much fun!

3. Considerate Usage

Be mindful of the appropriateness of interjections in formal or professional contexts.

Incorrect: Yay! The project is complete!

Correct: The project is complete.

Note: Access complete CLAT English Language notes here.

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