Critical Reasoning Notes for CLAT

Critical reasoning is an essential skill for law students, as it allows them to analyze and evaluate legal arguments effectively. The CLAT exam places a significant emphasis on critical reasoning, with approximately 20-35 questions testing this skill.

These critical reasoning notes for CLAT will provide you with a comprehensive overview of the key concepts and question types that you need to know in order to succeed in this section of the exam.

TopicLink to Notes
Statement Assumption Questions for Law Entrance ExamsView Here
How to Solve Statement Conclusion Questions for Law EntrancesView Here
How to Solve Assumption Conclusion Questions for Law EntrancesView Here
Notes on Strong and Weak ArgumentsView Here
Strategies and Techniques for Strong and Weak Argument QuestionsView Here
Notes on Assertion-Reasoning QuestionsView Here
Cracking Logical Extension Questions: Strategies and ExamplesView Here
Mastering Critical Reasoning: Strategies and ExamplesView Here
Tips to Solve Facts, Inference and Judgment Questions for Law EntrancesView Here
Facts, Inference and Judgment | ExplainedView Here
Statement, Assumption and Conclusion: SimplifiedView Here



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Aishwarya Agrawal
Aishwarya Agrawal

Aishwarya is a gold medalist from Hidayatullah National Law University (2015-2020) and has over 9 years of experience in law. She has been mentoring law aspirants to help them secure admission to their dream colleges and universities.

Check out 1000+ Question Bank (Legal) for CLAT 2025, here.