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Injuria Sine Damnum and Damnum Sine Injuria


In the field of law, there are two important Latin terms that hold significant meaning Injuria Sine Damnum and Damnum Sine Injuria. These terms are used to describe specific legal concepts that help determine whether a plaintiff has a valid claim in certain situations. 

Injuria Sine Damnum

a. Definition

Injuria Sine Damnum translates to “injury without damage.” It refers to a legal concept where a person suffers a violation of their legal rights without any actual loss or physical damage. In other words, it signifies a situation where a plaintiff experiences harm or injury to their legal rights, but no tangible or measurable harm has occurred.

b. Examples

To better understand Injuria Sine Damnum, let’s consider a few examples:

  • A person spreading false rumors about someone, damaging their reputation and causing mental distress, even if no financial loss is incurred.
  • An individual being subjected to racial discrimination or harassment, which affects their dignity and emotional well-being, without resulting in any financial consequences.
  • A neighbor playing loud music during nighttime, disturbing the peace and tranquility of the neighborhood, without causing any property damage.

In these scenarios, the plaintiffs experience a violation of their legal rights (injuria) without any accompanying physical or financial harm (damnum).

c. Legal Implications

While Injuria Sine Damnum does not involve tangible or measurable damage, it is still considered a valid cause of action in certain cases. The law recognises that individuals have legal rights that deserve protection, even if no quantifiable harm has been suffered. 

Injuria Sine Damnum provides a legal basis for plaintiffs to seek remedies, such as injunctions, to prevent further violation of their rights or to receive compensation for the emotional distress caused.

Damnum Sine Injuria

a. Definition

Damnum Sine Injuria translates to “damage without injury.” It refers to a legal concept where a person suffers actual loss or damage, but there is no violation of their legal rights. In this case, even though harm or loss has occurred, it is not recognised as a legal injury because no legal right has been infringed upon.

b. Examples

To illustrate Damnum Sine Injuria, consider the following examples:

  • A person’s property being devalued due to external factors such as a decline in the overall real estate market, without any deliberate interference from others.
  • A business facing financial losses due to increased competition or market changes, without any unlawful or wrongful actions committed by competitors.

In these situations, there may be measurable damage or loss (damnum), but if no legal right has been violated (injuria), the plaintiff cannot typically seek legal remedies based on this concept.

c. Legal Implications

Damnum Sine Injuria signifies that, while a person may have suffered loss or damage, they cannot claim compensation solely on the grounds of such loss if there was no infringement of their legal rights. This concept emphasises that the law primarily protects individuals from legal injuries rather than compensating for every form of harm or loss.

Here’s a table highlighting the key differences between Injuria Sine Damnum and Damnum Sine Injuria:

Injuria Sine DamnumDamnum Sine Injuria
DefinitionInjury without damageDamage without injury
MeaningViolation of legal rights without tangible harm or lossTangible harm or loss without violation of legal rights
FocusLegal injuryActual damage or loss
Legal ImplicationsProvides a basis for legal action, such as seeking injunctions or compensation for emotional distressTypically does not provide a basis for legal action or compensation
ExamplesSpreading false rumours damaging reputation, racial discrimination causing emotional distressProperty devaluation due to market changes, financial losses due to increased competition
RemediesInjunctions, compensation for emotional distressGenerally, no specific legal remedies or compensation


Injuria Sine Damnum and Damnum Sine Injuria are important legal concepts that help determine the validity of a plaintiff’s claim in specific situations. Injuria Sine Damnum refers to situations where a legal injury occurs without tangible damage, allowing plaintiffs to seek remedies to protect their rights. 

Damnum Sine Injuria, on the other hand, deals with situations where there is tangible harm or loss, but no violation of legal rights. In such cases, individuals may experience financial or physical damage, but without any wrongful action infringing upon their legal entitlements. Damnum Sine Injuria emphasises that not all losses or damages automatically give rise to legal claims or remedies.

Note: Access complete CLAT Legal Reasoning notes here.

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