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Understanding “Law”


In our everyday lives, we encounter rules and regulations that guide our actions and interactions. These rules help maintain order, ensure fairness and protect our rights. All these rules together are what we call “law.”

Law is like the invisible glue that holds our society together, helping us live and work harmoniously.

What is Law?

Imagine a big puzzle. Each puzzle piece represents a rule or a law. When we put all these pieces together, we get a complete picture of how we should behave and interact with others. Law is a collection of these rules that societies create to make sure people live safely, fairly and respectfully.

Why Do We Need Law?

Think of law as a road map for a journey. Just as a map guides us on the right path, law guides our actions. We need the law because it helps prevent chaos. Imagine if there were no rules for driving on the road – it would be dangerous and confusing! Similarly, without laws, our society could become chaotic, with people doing whatever they want without consequences.

Types of Law

Law isn’t just one big rulebook; it has different parts, like chapters in a book. Let’s take a look at some types of laws:

  • Criminal Law: This type of law deals with actions that are considered crimes, like stealing or hurting others. Criminal law helps keep people safe and punishes those who break the rules.
  • Civil Law: Civil law handles disagreements between individuals or groups, like disputes over property or contracts. It helps people solve problems fairly without resorting to fights.
  • Family Law: This law focuses on family matters like divorce, adoption and child custody. It ensures that families are treated fairly and that children’s rights are protected.
  • Constitutional Law: The Constitution is like the supreme rulebook of a country. Constitutional law ensures that the government follows these rules and respects people’s rights.
  • International Law: Just as countries have rules, there are rules that countries follow when dealing with each other. International law helps prevent conflicts between nations.

How Are Laws Made?

Picture laws are being created like a recipe. The ingredients are the needs and values of society and lawmakers are the chefs. Lawmakers, like members of Parliament or Congress, discuss, debate and create laws that reflect the needs and values of the people they represent. Once the law is agreed upon, it’s written down and becomes part of the rulebook.

What Happens If We Break the Law?

Breaking the law isn’t like breaking a toy; it can have serious consequences. Just like a time-out for misbehaving, breaking the law can lead to punishments. These punishments are meant to teach us that our actions have consequences and to discourage us from breaking the rules again.


Law is like the invisible threads that weave through our society, keeping us connected and organised. It helps us know what’s right and wrong, how to solve problems and how to live together peacefully. 

So next time you see a rule or law, remember that it’s part of the bigger puzzle that makes our world a better place. By understanding and respecting the law, we contribute to a society where everyone can thrive and live in harmony.

Note: Access complete CLAT Legal Reasoning notes here.

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